Blue Blood Rivalry 5K Run Walk

Here’s your chance to celebrate, support, and participate in the rivalry like never before. Declare your allegiance and receive your race shirt in either Dark Blue or Carolina Blue. Run or walk the 5K course and receive the first edition finisher's Blue Blood medallion bottle opener.
Hold on… Don’t have blue blood?
That’s OK. Choose the “Party Crasher" division and receive the custom crasher t-shirt in white and red! Fans of all schools will gather to compete for supremacy in the fun, festive atmosphere, while raising money for our race charity.
Can't get to Chapel Hill on September 23?
We still have your back. Register as a VIRTUAL RUNNER and we'll send you the rivalry t-shirt and bottle opener medallion.
Who has the most fanatics?
Only you can tip the scales in your favor. Take this rivalry to the streets!